
Lebensrettende Sicherheitslösung

Notfallkontaktdaten immer dabei
Medizinische Hinweise*
Wasser-, stoßfest und robust
Hypoallergen & hautfreundlich (Nickelfrei)
Leicht & bequem

*Allergien, Medikamente oder chronische Erkrankungen.


Space for important medical information such as allergies, chronic conditions and medications. In the event of a medical emergency, emergency responders or medical personnel can quickly access this information.

Rapid identification in dementia. The iD-tags enable rapid identification of the wearer and their medical needs. This is especially important when the wearer is unresponsive or has no way of communicating their medical history.

Space for contact information so that relatives can be quickly notified in an emergency.

Communicate important information about medications taken. This can help avoid potential drug interactions and ensure the wearer's safety.

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