
Kontaktinformationen für Halsbänder

Für den Namen des Haustiers
Wasser-, stoßfest und robust
Passt an fast alle Halsbänder (bis 4cm Breite)

Für mehr Sicherheit unserer vierbeinigen Familienmitglieder.

In the event of separation, our iD tags enable quick identification. The emergency contact information on the iD tag allows others to contact you immediately. Unlike a chip, the information can be "read" with the naked eye.

Our SOS tags provide space for important medical information about your pet, such as allergies, medications or chronic conditions. This is especially important in the event of a medical emergency when quick intervention can be life-saving.

Made from high-quality material, our SOS tags are sturdy and durable, so they can withstand your pets' adventures and activities, whether they're romping outside or relaxing indoors.

Die iD-Tags haben dehnbare Schlaufen mit denen sie an allen Halsbändern, bis 4 cm Breite, angebracht werden können.

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