Life-saving ID bracelets

SOS bracelets & SOS tags

Personalized SOS bracelets & iD tags. Protection and security with emergency information – ideal for athletes, children and seniors.

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Free shipping to Germany

Dein SOS-Armband in 3 kurzen Schritten:

1st step

Choose your favorite colors.
(18 possible color combinations)

2nd step

Enter data such as name, emergency contact, medical information, etc. and see live what your information looks like on the SOS bracelet.

3rd step

Order easily and securely and have it in your hands in just a few days.


Informationen werden präzise mit einem Laser aufgelassen um eine perfekte Lesbarkeit zu garantieren.

It's like insurance. You never need it, but if you do, you're glad you have it.

Marcus Z.


You have questions, no problem. Just write us an email. We look forward to hearing from you. To the contact form