
Mamas und Papas Nummer immer dabei!

Kontaktdaten immer dabei
Medizinische Hinweise (z.B. Allergien)
Wasser-, stoßfest und robust
Hypoallergen & hautfreundlich (Nickelfrei)
Leicht & bequem


Our tags are sturdy and durable so they can withstand your child's adventures and games without fading or breaking, whether they're running around the park or romping around in the garden.

Not only functional, but also cool. With different designs and colors, your children can express their own style while being protected.

Laser-engraved SOS emergency information on the ID tag means your children always have important contact details with them in case they get lost or need help. This gives you the security that your children can be quickly identified in an emergency and brought back home safely.

Our tags allow children to be more independent and carry their parents' contact information with them without having to remember phone numbers. This gives them a sense of ownership and security when they are out and about on their own.


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